Adam Ryan is responsible for event, media, and advertising strategies at the Hustle. The Hustle is a daily business/technology email newsletter with over 450,000 subsribers. Hustlecon is a TED style/music festival event that had over 2600 attendees this year. The Hustle hosts events in New York, Austin, and San Francisco.


06:27 450,000+ Subscribers is not the amazing thing
08:40 Telling your sales story and making it relatable
13:20 Don’t do email blasts if you want to build trust
16:00 Cost per click versus Sales
18:00 Tom Goodwin on LinkedIn is good a copy
19:40 Ambadassor program and gamification
22:30 Challenges scaling 700 stickers
25:45 The reason why it’s important to celebrate the wins
29:45 Changing your product based upon feedback
30:30 Advertising tip: Dedicated email/video doesn’t work


The Hustle